3 & 4 months
Baby Westom
Monday, February 20, 2012
4m already!
1month & 2month pictures
Hi all..
So sorry I haven't posted anything since Sunnie was born, I've been busy working on her photo books through Shutterfly and her baby scrapbook that is finally done!
Sunnie's now 4m old and in the 75th percentile for weight (14#) and length (23.75")! She loves to lay on her play gym and squeal with her toys. She can sit up for about 2 seconds at a time, and a bit hunched over, but I know soon she'll be sitting up on her own! She also loves her walker, she scoots backwards like crazy. If she gets stuck or she is tired she cries but otherwise she would probably be happy to be in it all the time.
She's a pretty happy baby..although she has started her stranger danger. She's happiest with Mommy but really that's because she sees me the most.
Well that's all for now, I've posted pictures from month 1-4!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Hi all..
So! After today's checkup, I am dilated 1-2cm and 50% effaced and my OB was able to feel her head during the checkup. Kinda crazy..lol.
I no longer have my cast/walking boot on, and I'm fine to walk, but really walking isn't very much fun anymore. Her head is low on my pubic bone and I'm grunting a lot more now.
My DRs have decided that if she doesn't come on her own, then we will be induced on Oct. 21st..please pray that she continues to lower herself and she starts labor on her own!!
Here is my most recent picture! Sorry for the distorted color..haha!
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hi all!
So sorry to have neglected you for a few weeks!
But so much has happened!!
1. I broke my ankle, slipped on some water in the garage while wearing flip flops. I've never broke a bone in my body until I happen to be 32 weeks pregnant. I get my cast off Sept. 22nd, I will be rounding 35 weeks pregnant at that point.
2. We are moving to our new house, our move out date is Sept. 24th. Again, 35 weeks pregnant and can't really do much because Sunnie's head is down by my bladder and her legs are up by my ribs. She's busy kicking and putting pressure down on my bladder. Makes walking a challenge!
3. We are going to the dr to do NST (non-stress tests) 2x a week, so Monday and Fridays I'm there and going to my OB on a weekly basis too.
We shall see when she decides to arrive..I hope not too soon since her crib isn't put together yet! :o)
Thursday, August 4, 2011
28 weeks, Hello 3rd Trimester!
So we survived the Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota road trip! We went to Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse and the Dakota Zoo..amongst other places. We visited with Nate's family and got to see the devastation from the flood in Minot. We are thankful for what we have and the security in knowing that we are not in their position. I was telling my husband that if I wasn't pregnant, I would've gone to Minot to help pass out food to those who were working on the flood damage. It's just unreal.
The time spent in Bismarck with his Great Uncle was fantastic..so peaceful. I miss his Great Uncle..so much!
I'm attaching pictures of my belly at my present week. She's busy kicking and watching my tummy move involuntarily is just crazy!
Tomorrow is my 28 week ultrasound, I can't wait to see her again! We are going to get some extra copies of her so we can give them to Nate's brother and mother. :o)
I can't believe there's only 12 weeks left to full term..I didn't truly believe people when they said it would go by fast. Boy it sure has!
We are also hoping to close on a house and move before she arrives..I'm really hoping that happens sooner than later since the house we're living in is now on the market and preparing for open houses is a lot of work especially because we have a dog to pick up and tend to also!
Saturday, July 9, 2011
So, Sunnie's heartbeat is in the 140s..it took the RN awhile to get her to calm down enough to track her heartbeat. As usual! She's busily kicking especially when Coors (our 1 year old beagle) is laying on or near her and when Coors and Daddy are baying at each other. I don't think she will have a problem telling Coors "No!" she hears it a lot! :o)
I'm feeling good..even better today since I've started taking Milk of Magnesium..sorry, tmi? If you're not pregnant but trying, get ready for the constipation! M.O.M. will be your best friend if it isn't already!
We are getting ready for our 2 week road trip to Mt. Rushmore, SD; Minot & Bismarck, ND; and Missoula & Billings, MT. I will be 25 weeks at the start of our trip and then 27 when we come back!
It will be hot, but it'll be nice to meet the friends Nate talks about so often and a good visit with Nate's great Uncle at his house in Bismarck too.
Here's an updated belly picture!
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