Bean's heartbeat!

Our bean!
So March 16th was our first "real" ultrasound to hear the baby's heartbeat and to measure the baby as well.
It's amazing how clear the heartbeat was, it was clear as day at 158 bpm.
The baby measured at 1.47 cm!
Nate wasn't able to come, so my mother in law, Ellen came. She was fascinated by the trans-vaginal ultrasound and the all so famous wand.
It was an amazing experience, I cried both times when the baby was on the screen and then again when we were listening to the heartbeat.
I'm going to have our first pre-screen to check if the baby has Downs and then on April 13th we'll have our end of our 1st trimester appointment. Nate won't be able to come to that appointment so I will make sure that my ob doesn't show me the sex of the baby on the ultrasound. We will get the results of the pre-screen at that appointment. Then 4 weeks after that appointment I will make the appointment on a Friday so Nate can come to the appointment and we will find out the sex then. I can't believe just 8 weeks from now we'll know if our baby is a boy or a girl!
I'm starting to have major crazy dreams at night. Poor Nate he's been having to endure all the crazy fits I've been having at night, during my sleep.
Here are the pictures of our bean (now grape's) heartbeat and the picture of our bean too!
Thanks for reading!