So, Sunnie's heartbeat is in the 140s..it took the RN awhile to get her to calm down enough to track her heartbeat. As usual! She's busily kicking especially when Coors (our 1 year old beagle) is laying on or near her and when Coors and Daddy are baying at each other. I don't think she will have a problem telling Coors "No!" she hears it a lot! :o)
I'm feeling good..even better today since I've started taking Milk of Magnesium..sorry, tmi? If you're not pregnant but trying, get ready for the constipation! M.O.M. will be your best friend if it isn't already!
We are getting ready for our 2 week road trip to Mt. Rushmore, SD; Minot & Bismarck, ND; and Missoula & Billings, MT. I will be 25 weeks at the start of our trip and then 27 when we come back!
It will be hot, but it'll be nice to meet the friends Nate talks about so often and a good visit with Nate's great Uncle at his house in Bismarck too.
Here's an updated belly picture!