So we survived the Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota road trip! We went to Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse and the Dakota Zoo..amongst other places. We visited with Nate's family and got to see the devastation from the flood in Minot. We are thankful for what we have and the security in knowing that we are not in their position. I was telling my husband that if I wasn't pregnant, I would've gone to Minot to help pass out food to those who were working on the flood damage. It's just unreal.
The time spent in Bismarck with his Great Uncle was peaceful. I miss his Great much!
I'm attaching pictures of my belly at my present week. She's busy kicking and watching my tummy move involuntarily is just crazy!
Tomorrow is my 28 week ultrasound, I can't wait to see her again! We are going to get some extra copies of her so we can give them to Nate's brother and mother. :o)
I can't believe there's only 12 weeks left to full term..I didn't truly believe people when they said it would go by fast. Boy it sure has!
We are also hoping to close on a house and move before she arrives..I'm really hoping that happens sooner than later since the house we're living in is now on the market and preparing for open houses is a lot of work especially because we have a dog to pick up and tend to also!