Saturday, June 25, 2011

22 weeks, Echo-Cardiogram, Flutters, oh my!

So at 22 weeks, June 24th, we went in for Sunnie's Echo Cardiogram and the actual Echo took quite awhile because she wouldn't stay still long enough to really do the heartbeat test. But thankfully after an hour and a half we were finally through and then the Dr told us that everything looked great! Her heart is normal, her size is perfect, not too big or too small and there's a perfect amount of amniotic fluid. So yay for me with the blood sugars! It's a major answer to prayers that she's developing so well!

Later on that night, I was laying in bed and I felt flutters of her moving around. It was fantastic! I felt her again this morning. I can't wait to feel her again! :o)

Here are updated belly pictures and I'll scan her U/S pictures in soon too!

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