Hi there,
I haven't been keeping up with the blog, I know. I have been busy writing in my 5 year memory book and the baby's scrapbook as well. Lots of writing!
Since my first posting, a lot has happened!
Let's see..I'm no longer in my 1st Trimester which is a blessing! I only have nausea when I'm riding in cars..so I try to drive as much as possible. I still have heartburn all day long so I'm thinking the baby will have a lot of hair! :o)
My belly is starting to show..I will post pictures. I'm glad I've been taking the pictures, I honestly didn't think that there would be much difference, but there is!
We went to the appointment that tells us about the baby, his/her chances of being a Down's baby and all was measured within normal limits. Hurray!
I found out that I have gestational diabetes, so I'm doing my best to monitor my blood sugars. However, I think I may be on the road to taking medicine. I am not giving up yet, I have a follow up meeting with my diabetic educator on May 9th who also had gestational diabetes so she may have some tricks to share with me at that time.
I am not as tired, although the 1 nap a day is still pretty consistent for me. Although when I haven't napped, I tend to go to sleep at 8p.
My pregnancy hormones have made me a crazy lady sometimes, but luckily I have a husband who's understanding.
Our next appointment is May 11th, it'll be the first appointment Nate gets to come to. Then 2 weeks after that appointment we will be going to Legacy to find out the sex of the baby! I can't believe it's already almost time to find out! Wahooey!!
Just an FYI..I will probably wait to post until then!